Each We Talk Dog client is given a PetExec account so that you can schedule boarding and daycare as well as update your pets information online. You should receive a welcome email after you come in for temperament testing. When you login for the first time your username will be the email address that you provided to WTD and the password will be your dog’s name with the first letter capitalized.
Once logged in, there will be a drop down menu on the left side of the screen with options for Current Status, Owner and Pets, Boarding, Daycare, Purchases, Daycare Packages, and Email We Talk Dog.
Current Status
This screen will show you if you have any dogs signed in to either daycare or boarding.
Owners and Pets
“Maintain Owner Information”
You can update your contact information, emergency contact information, and change your password by filling in the blanks. All boxes marked with red are mandatory. Click “Update Information” to save your changes.
“Show Pet Information”
Click on your dog’s name to view vaccination information, current veterinarian, people authorized to pick up your pup, and medical information for each of your dogs.
“Schedule Boarding”
This is where you can schedule boarding by checking the box next to each dog that you would like make a reservation for. Fill out the drop off, pickup, and emergency contact information and then click “Schedule Pets”.
Once you click “Schedule Pets” additional boxes will pop up at the bottom of the screen. You can add in feeding and medication information. .
“Modify/Delete Boarding Schedules”
You can delete a scheduled boarding or click on your dog’s name to modify information.
“Boarding Calendar”
You can see all boarding reservations in calendar form by either day, week, or month.
“Schedule Daycare”
Select a date range(or individual day) and then check the corresponding boxes next to the days of the week that you would like to schedule daycare. You can also set drop off and pickup times.
“Daycare calendar”
Similarly to the boarding calendar, you can see all of your scheduled day care appointments in day/week/month views.
“Purchase History”
You can see all payments made to We Talk Dog. Click on the order number to see information about a specific purchase.
Daycare Packages
“Daycare Package History”
This will show all active and past daycare packages that you have purchased.
If you need to update vaccinations records you can fax them to 205-202-5647 or via email to reception@wetalkdog.com.